
The letter "吉" is mistekely written "𠮷", which is wrong and correctly "吉"; the upper part must be "士", samurai, not "土", soil.  The letter "吉" which hieroglyphically shows putting a lid "士" on a filled pot "口" means good, happy, fortune and lucky. Such letters "壱", "壹", "結", and "詰" are kindred to the letter "吉".




My grandfather, Icchiku Nonaka, was born in 1906 and passed away in 2008 when he was 102 years old. When he was alive, he used to write essays named "Interesting Kanji, Chinese characters" to bulletins of a calligraphy circle. Let me introduce some essays below:

The letters with "
", risshinben, located on the left side of the character are introduced as related to "", human mind. Then, there are similar looking and easily confused letters as "" and "". When you write "国境","環境" and "境遇", you may mistake to locate "" instead of "" on the right side of "". When you write "記憶" and "憶測", you may mistake to locate "" instead of "" on the right side of "". In these cases, by doing the oral pronunciation of each word, you may notice you have made mistake to locate inappropriate components, "" or "", to the characters as you can not pronounce the wrong characters in a correct pronunciation.

However, you may also recognize that this way; as "" means a boundary, separation and partitioned range/precincts, which is nothing to do with "", human mind, thus, "" with "" on the bottom of it shall not be applied to such characters as "国境","環境" and "境遇".
On the contrary, "記憶", memory, "憶測", speculation, and "臆病", cowardice, which closely relates to "", human mind, thus, "
" shall not be applied, but "" shall be applied to such characters as "記憶", "憶測" and "臆病". 


Let's find letters made with "亻", nimben, located at the left side of the Chinese character;
休, 仕, 作, 仇, 仁, 仙, 任, 伍, 代, 仲, 佐, 伺, 供, 使, 侍, 係, 信, 悔, 伝, 借, 働, 僧, and many more exist.
"人" is a originally hieroglyphic character of the side shape of a standing human. "亻", nimben, because of the structure and composition convenience of the Chinese character, is a transformed letter of "人" by making the right downward curve of "人" upright straight; "ノ" + "|"="亻".
The letters with "亻" all relate to the human being and its related matters.
For example, the letter "休" which means a rest or taking a rest stands for this way; a tourist "人" takes a rest "休" by sitting down nearby a tree " 木" after a long distance walk. A worker "人" takes a short break "休" after work by sitting down at the shade of a tree " 木".
"休", a hieroglyphic character of the shape of a man leaning on the tree, stands for a rest or taking a rest, which sounds interesting.
The hermit who avoids troublesomeness of the human world, stays at the remote mountain to eats a haze, plucks buds of grass, picks tree nuts, transcends the ordinary men life and, in the end, masters the technique of perpetual youth and longevity is translated sennin, 仙人; "仙" which consists of "亻" or "人", a man, and "山", mountain, stands for a man in the mountain, which is also interesting.
"信", shin, which consists of "亻" or "人", a man, and "言", speak, or "言" as in "言葉", a word, stands for this way; the word which a man speaks shall be believed and as long as you speak a word, you shall speak what people think worth believing.   

